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Color Graphing and 3D Sculpting:

I analyzed over a hundred images of paintings, graphic design, and photography of nature and space to cover a broad range of color combinations. While hard science, this data maintains a soul of the original image in pure color. These graphs became a sort of Rorschach test of color interpretation, and a creative prompt for further study.
These graphs were practically leaping off the monitor, begging to be studied further. After 3D color spaces were plotted, I then took images into Quill, a virtual reality painting software, where I literally began to sculpt with data. Quill allows an artist to paint dimensional strokes in the air around you, manipulating color with your hands. It’s quite the active and slightly embarrassing  process to clear my furniture out of the way, don the VR headset, and draw in 360. It is important at this stage to let the color graph express itself. My goal is not to copy the original 3D graph, but to use it as inspiration  for a new form, and use 3D sculpting as a method of study and close looking. Ultimately, the process is subjective. Another artist would see the same graphs, but may interpret a different form. 

Speculative Interfaces: 

A thought experiment to stretch our tools so they can in turn expand our thinking. With this system, color is an active process. Not a code, not a preset, but a serendipitous process. 
Once we can work within this multidimensional interface, we can begin to run the same simulation in our heads. Typical UX research would ask the user what they want, and implement that in the most seamless, ergonomic, and accessible fashion. This project is about an interface that trains the user to think, the interface you build in your brain. Because after all, tech is a tool, the way you think leads the process.